Interview with Michelle Lopez

In this book, Radhaa has invited women to contribute their experiences and stories in ‘Pillars of Light: Goddess Activations™.’ Each woman takes the journey into the Goddess Activations™ to experience deeper aspects of herself. As each woman steps into the light of the Goddess, activating the pillars needed to transform dark to light, re-activating the temple within. Goddess Activations™ is an original modality by Radhaa Nilia. Meet the women, who share their stories in Pillars of Light: Goddess Activations™. Find out more about Goddess Activations™ here:

Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I wear many hats! I am a mother of two almost-grown young adults, a Reiki master teacher, crystal healing practitioner, and an Astro-oracle diviner. I am also a holistic health practitioner who emphasizes Ayurveda. I have two distinct paths because I am an elementary school teacher with 26 years of teaching experience and a certified yoga Instructor. I am devoted to helping young children develop social-emotional skills to handle life’s challenges through yoga and mindfulness in the classroom. I am also a published children’s book author of Animal Magic: A Yoga-Tale of Love and Unity. 

What does the word Goddess mean to you?

Goddess to me is the feminine essence of spirit. It is the creative force, and she is here to heal the planet and restore balance. She is shakti, holy spirit, and shekhinah. As humans, we can embody this energy in various degrees, and she is here to unify humanity and heal our distortions. 

How did you experience your Goddess Activation™?

When I had my activation with Radhaa, I was already in a massive state of healing. The activation was a nudge from the spirit that I needed, and a nudge it was. The week after my activation, I felt myself unravel a bit. Well, not a bit, but a lot! Some of the layers of deeply held pain regarding a certain situation in my life came to the surface. It was a necessary cleansing, and it helped me increase my levels of self-compassion. During the activation, Green Tara and Quan Yin were present and elemental energies and soul families. Radhaa created a safe and comforting container as she called in the activation of the Green Tara energy.  

Give us a sneak peek at your written story in Pillars of Light?

In Pillars of Light. I write about a return to ‘divine innocence.’ Some say we are born with original sin, and I believe we are born with divine innocence. To understand this, we would have to consider the origins of our original soul as we embarked on lifetimes of journeys that made us forget that innocence. This activation in the Green Tara energy is the beginning of my return to that pristine state. We are all born innocent, and in this time of grace and ascension, this return to innocence is available to us when we heal, acknowledge, and claim it. 

What inspired you to be a co-author, write, and contribute to this collaborative book, Pillars of Light? 

I’ve worked with Radhaa in Awakening Starseeds Volumes 1 and 2, and when I heard about the Pillars of Light, it resonated with me on a large scale. I see when these Goddesses come together as a collective to share our teachings, we create a living crystal grid and open a positive portal of energy to usher in the Goddess energy that will ultimately restore balance and heal humanity. It is an honor to be part of that.

How supported did you feel through this creative and collaborative process? What was the best part of this whole experience?  

I have felt very supported. Radhaa has a gift for seeing people’s gifts and potentials and helping them to become realized. She is very encouraging.

What was your overall feeling throughout the whole process of working with Radhaa Publishing House? What stood out the most?

The creative process and sharing a vision for healing are what stand out the most. RPH is committed to helping bring out truth into the world and to help starseeds bring forward their good work that would not otherwise be seen.

Why do you think the Goddess energy is important for balancing feminine energy during these challenging times we’re currently in?

As a world, we have all been programmed into the supposed roles we are supposed to play. The feminine energy throughout our world history has been demonized, subjugated, objectified, and suppressed. When I say that, I want to clarify that this statement is not about feminism which I believe is another divisive concept. It’s about bringing forth the divine attributes of the feminine that are restorative, heart-opening, sensual, and creative. There is a wisdom in the balanced feminine that is inherently connected to the Earth and understands how to heal. This is something that has been intended to be kept hidden from the masses. 

What would you tell anyone who might be interested in writing for Radhaa Publishing House? What have you gotten out of the experience? 

Express yourself! You will experience healing as well as fun, connection, and friendship.

 What’s the gift you bring to the world, and how can others find you?

The main gift I bring to the world is the gift of beingness. All the work I do with divination and children is to help people step into their naturalness. A return to innocence! I can be reached at and fb@sacredearth111.

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