Interview with Michelle Castro

Goddess Activations™ is an original modality by Radhaa Nilia. In this collaborative book, Radhaa has invited women to contribute their Goddess Activations™ stories and experiences in Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™. Each woman takes the journey to the Goddess, embodying her Archetype and representing a Pillar of Light. As each woman activates her inner Pillar, creating a grid of feminine healing across the World. Meet the women of Pillars of Light: Stories of Goddess Activations™. 

 Tell us a little bit about yourself! 

I’ve been on a transformational journey since childhood.  I’ve learned that life is the curriculum for my enlightenment and I have done my best to learn my lessons with love and earnestness.

My profession is a calling and as a Success and Purpose Coach, I help ambitious women who are ready to upgrade their mindset and transform their wisdom into wealth.  I have also written several books on self-empowerment including The Destiny Discovery: Find Your Soul’s Path to Success and Heart Empowerment for Empaths: Let Go of Emotional Baggage and Become Loving, Empowered and Free.

What does the word Goddess mean to you?

It means she who creates, births and gives life to truth, love and beauty.  It’s an ancient term for awakening women who want to lead from a more divine feminine energy. 

How did you experience your Goddess Activation™?

It was a profound experience that has a long term effect and those willing to receive will be grateful. 

  Give us a sneak peak about your written story in Pillars of Light?

It’s about healing the mother’s wound and how the Goddess has always been guiding me all along. Another proud moment especially because it was a collaborative effort. I have great respect for Radhaa and what she is creating.   

How supported did you feel through this creative and collaborative process? 

Having the chance to write about my experience helps with my healing and will also help those who read my story, as they will likely identify with the challenge of wanting a mother who was actually good for you.

Why do you think the Goddess Energy is important for the times we’re currently in?

The shift of consciousness has been coming on for a while now and women leaders can lead the change by being the change they wish to see in the world.

What’s your gift you bring to the world and how can others find you?

I am a Success and Purpose Activator, Energetic alignment expert and Manifesting Priestess.  Reach out to me when you are ready to transform your wisdom into wealth and live your life from your heart and soul.  I would love to invite you to experience my process ‘Wisdom to Wealth’ as it will be a pivotal initiation into walking  your Soul’s path to success.

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