Interview with Blossom Rountee

Infinite Cosmic Records is a healing method, an offshoot of Lemurian Code Healing Modality, originally created by Maya the Shaman, where she takes her clients on a Shamaninic journey through doorways of healing. Infinite Cosmic Records is a collaborative book in which Maya The Shaman has invited her clients to participate in sharing their authentic experiences in discovering what came through their records while being guided by Maya.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I grew up in Oklahoma, and I chose to take on quite a bit of baggage when entering this life. It has been quite a journey of healing to remember who I am. Just as it is for each of us, I have an energy healing practice in Oklahoma and will soon be practicing in Missouri. But as with most energy healing, I offer remote sessions as well.

How would you describe Infinite Cosmic Records from your perspective?

Infinite cosmic records are a true gift to humanity. I am so very grateful to Maya for this experience and humbled to have my journey published, and it has been instrumental in showing me the next step in my mission to help serve humanity.

What was your intention before getting into Infinite Cosmic Records?

I intended to heal wounds from the Lemurian timeline and come into divine union within, and I believe this has been accomplished. As with all healings, it is not always immediate but continues over the next few days to weeks or even months.

What did the Infinite Cosmic Records journey feel like to you?

It felt like finding aspects of myself that had been lost, like going through the time and picking up the fragments and then being activated into my next highest alignment.

Please give us a sneak peek at your written story in Infinite Cosmic Records.

I saw a unicorn which I recognized as being one of my spirit guides. She is beautiful. I have connected with her before. Maya asked me to ask her where we were and what she wanted to share with me. I immediately knew we were in Lemuria. The first thing the unicorn said was, you are so loved. Then she said, you are the light. You are the way. I tell Maya, but at this point, I do not know what this means exactly. But upon later review, I realize that she is trying to explain that we are each the light and the way. The kingdom of heaven is inside each of us. When we have healed our wounds, let go of our egos, and come into divine union within and with Source, we will experience heaven within and without. This is how we bring heaven to earth. We also heal our world by healing ourselves because that is what will be reflected in us.

She asks me to ask the unicorn why I am here? She tells me you are here to heal. Next, we began walking into the forest until we came to a clearing. I have recognized being in this exact location before. The trees are so large, but nothing like I have ever seen on this 3d earth plane. They are even much larger than the redwoods in northern California. As I stood there, everything went dark. I couldn’t see anything. She asked me if I remembered anything. I immediately remembered that this is where I lost my connection with Source. My connection to Divine Source was forcefully cut off. Maya asked me to keep looking to see what I could see. I saw a bright light in the middle of the darkness, but that was all. I instinctively knew this was also where my original physical separation wound occurred with my twin flame. I knew a battle had occurred here, and my twin had also betrayed me, but I do not remember any specifics. Only that it was a battle between the light and the dark, this was a collective shift that began our descent and fell into the lower dimensions of duality that we now find ourselves in. It was the fall from Grace. Much like the Garden of Eden. We as a collective chose to experience this descent into the 3d world we are now in.

We used our free will to learn and experience the darkness and play in the lower realms of reality. We each have inside of us the masculine and feminine energies, the light and the dark. We are now entering a time of integration of these energies. Divine union within the feminine and masculine. Integration of the light and the dark within. Everything that we are and have within us is reflected outside of us, within and without. The feminine is dark, and the masculine is light. The yin and the yang. As I write these words, I begin to contemplate, what if it wasn’t my twin that betrayed me? What if it was I who betrayed him? If he betrayed me, that puts me in victim mode. If I see myself as the victim, I am taking away my power. What if I am the one who chose to experience my darkness? What if neither of us betrayed the other? There are no victims. This makes more sense to me.

We can look at these Galactic wars as a hostile takeover, but aren’t we the creators of our reality? We, as a collective, created it into existence. Because if we didn’t create this, it puts us perpetually in victimhood. Before this realization or awakening. I was in the belief that the dark lower-dimensional alien races took over our planet against our will. But now I can see, now I know we allowed it for our own experience and growth. Some believe that this has been going on for thousands of years and that we were trapped into a re-incarnational death-rebirth cycle, which may be true. But now is the time to overcome this enslavement. That is why so many Starseeds have chosen to be born here at this time, to help assist in this ascension process and lead the way, and show others how to take their sovereignty back. Because we can only hold as much light and (love) as darkness and (fear) that we have experienced. So, to reach and hold the highest vibrations of love, we must have also reached the lowest vibrations of fear. They are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. We must fully integrate and balance these polarities to come into a union within ourselves and with others.

How supported did you feel through this creative process of writing your story? What was the best part of this whole experience?

I felt extremely supported each step of the way. Through this process, I have found my voice and stepped further into my mission.

What was your overall feeling throughout the whole process of working with Maya The Shaman? What stood out the most?

She is an excellent guide. I felt completely held and safe within the portal. I was able to let go and to see and experience what was taking place on a very real and visceral level. I often find it hard to do this when someone is guiding me. Up to this session with Maya, I had been unable to allow myself to see and not feel myself judging or ridiculing my every word. I had only been able to have profound experiences like this with pre-recorded material, and I could not get out of my way during a live session. But with Maya, I trusted myself and trusted what I was observing and seeing with my third eye.

How do you feel about sharing the Infinite Cosmic Records with others? Do you recommend Infinite Cosmic Records as a healing/remembering method to be experienced?

I absolutely and highly recommend booking a session straight away to anyone wanting to gain clarity or healing of a particular experience or timeline. This experience has changed me and given me confidence in myself beyond what I can say with mere words. I am forever grateful to Maya.

How do you feel about being published with Radhaa Publishing House? Do you recommend Radhaa Publishing House?

Absolutely! Radhaa Publishing House is currently curating books to help guide humanity and raise consciousness. A remembering of who we are and why we are on this earth at this present time. I believe these books will help future generations to understand what happened during the great awakening of humanity and how their ancestors helped restore heaven on earth and bring in the golden age.

Everyone has life lessons to learn. Would you share with us one or two of yours and how they make you the person you are today?

I would say that one of my greatest life lessons has been to overcome debilitating chronic health conditions. To step out of victimhood and become the creator of my reality, to create my bliss.

What are you currently up to? What’s next for you?

I am currently moving to another state so that I can live near my soul group. I am very excited to see what we will all create in the coming months and years as we venture into these very exciting times. I am also looking forward to co-authoring the 3rd book at Radhaa Publishing House.

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